Islamic Wazifa For Marriage Proposal
Islamic Wazifa For Marriage Proposal
Islamic Wazifa For Marriage Proposal use for desired marriage proposal, if you are in trouble due to marriage then use this wazifa for getting good marriage proposal. Our wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal will solve all marriage related problems within some time.
In a beautiful city of Bangalore, there resided a cheerful, coffee lover and smart girl, Ayesha. This 26 yr old girl had a beautiful life. She was living away from the family and somewhere that is where her happiness lied. Her parents were kind of orthodox, so she was able to live her life the way she wants to.
Islamic Wazifa For Marriage Proposal
She was working in an ad agency. Being a versatile employee of the agency she was very good with various verticals. Being a brilliant copywriter, she also learned graphic designing side by side. In addition to that, she discovered digital marketing in the flow of her work. Now she was also getting freelancing projects. In short, life was going well.
Her parents now started thinking of her marriage. On their frequent video calls to her, they soon started talking about her marriage. She didn’t want to come out to be opposing their opinions, so she said ok to them to search for a good groom.
Here her parents, nazma and kareem, started telling everybody about what’s on their mind. They said everybody to let them know if they have some good contact of a potential groom for their daughter to their friends, relatives, family friends, colleagues, neighbors, housing society members, clubhouse members, online friends.
It’s been almost a year her parents were searching. Now they started worrying. So they used Islamic wazifa for a marriage proposal. They started chanting it regularly so that they will get a marriage proposal from somewhere. They had full faith in Muslim wazifa for a marriage proposal.
Wazifa For The Desired Marriage Proposal
Here ayesha was living a remarkable and beautiful life. She used to like a guy from an adjacent office, and he used to live in the same neighborhood as that of her. At first, they met in an elevator of the office building, where they exchanged a smile.
Then next time they met in the typical canteen. Slowly they started interacting more, and now they were into a relationship. Over some time they decided to move in together. His name was ahmed. She was so happy to move in with him. Both didn’t know whether it would work out, but both thought it is worth a try.
Once her parents had come to visit her. She had fabricated a false reality that she was living with her female roommates. She had shifted some of her things to her female friends’ apartment. Ayesha didn’t want her parents to know yet about her and ahmed.
It’s been many months that they have been staying together now. Ayesha wanted to get settled now, and ahmed seemed a perfect fit. She was expecting him to propose her for marriage. But she doesn’t know why it was not happening. She started panicking, what if he likes somebody else? What if he doesn’t see me as her future wife?
So she started using wazifa for the desired marriage proposal. She used to recite it whenever used to get time. Ayesha also started behaving an Islamic girl on most occasions possible. She had faith in Allah so she knew this wazifa for desired marriage proposal would work.
Wazifa For Getting A Good Marriage Proposal
There ayesha’s parents were already using wazifa and due to which they started getting so many marriage proposals from various connections they had, but ayesha was rejecting everyone and not that they were mad at ayesha for refusing because even they felt these potential grooms were not good for ayesha. Sometimes they used to reject them.
Reasons were so many. Sometimes ayesha’s mom didn’t like the face of the boy. Sometimes dad didn’t like that he has a police job. Once a guy had a decent income, but his mom was blind.
They didn’t want ayesha to have to take care of her mom once she marries him. One guy was earning decent, but he was into a kind of industry that had no future like BPO. One guy they met didn’t have general confident body language.
So they WERE getting lots of proposals, but they were not good enough. So they consulted an astrologer. He checked everything. Their palms and also he asked for a photo at least of Ayesha’s palm. Because he was excellent into palmistry and he wanted to give a perfect remedy.
So after studying everything about them, he gave them wazifa for getting a good marriage proposal. Ayesha’s parents started using it. They embedded reciting this wazifa for getting a good marriage proposal, in their day to day life.
They were almost acting like a desperate to make the marriage of their daughter happen as soon as possible. Her parents also were in constant contact with their daughter if she finds somebody.
Wazifa For Acceptance of Marriage Proposal
Finally, one day, ahmed proposed ayesha. That was the happiest day for ayesha. She said yes, but there was a massive condition to it. She said he has to convince her parents to say yes too. Ayesha added further that her parents are kind of orthodox so they would go the arranged marriage way. So ahmed would need to get his parents to ask ayesha for marriage.
Ahmed’s parents were living in Delhi. And ayesha’s parents were in Mumbai. And ahmed and ayesha were in Bangalore. It was going to be tough, but that was the only way. Ahmed’s parents too liked ayesha, but we’re going to have to come down to Mumbai to meet her parents. Ayesha had introduced ahmed to her parents over a video call only as a friend but never said anything about romantic involvement.
There was also uncertainty regarding whether ayesha’s parents would accept the proposal because ahmed was from a different caste. So ahmed and ayesha decided to consult an astrologer. He was molvi ji. He listened to both of them silently and patiently.
Asked them few doubts that he had and then gave them wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal. He said as many people use it, the better. So ahmed involved his parents too.
He sent them wazifa and asked them to pray along with ayesha and him to increase the chances of getting a yes from ayesha’s family. Ayesha had set up a meeting.
At least they didn’t deny the meeting. When they met, they liked ahmed and his parents too. And wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal worked. They said yes.