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Dua To Cure A Broken Heart
Dua To Cure A Broken Heart or hadith about mending a broken heart can be use to fix broken heart again. Our dua for healing broken heart will cure your broken heart problems.
Life is a beautiful journey. But along the path, you will meet heartbreaks and heartaches, sometimes, so severe that it will plunge you into the depths of misery. Sorrow comes in myriad forms- it can be a rejection of a job, rejection by a lover.
Separation from your family, misunderstanding with a friend, betrayal by a loved one, failure in an exam, being overlooked for a promotion, loss of money or crippling disease. Haven’t we all felt shattered and helpless when confronted by such a crisis?
Dua To Cure A Broken Heart
On such occasions, you will be overwhelmed by many suggestions from friends who will advocate you to move on, forget your past and face your future. But honestly is that easy?
It is effortless to preach but very difficult to practice. Only those who have undergone heartache will relate to the hopelessness that fills your heart and the pain and hurt it brings in its wake.
Now, when none of these advises help to disperse that feeling of bitterness in your heart, and it becomes difficult to cope with your misery- do not despair. When there is nothing else there is hope and hope comes to you when you seek the support of Dua to cure your broken heart.
When natural means fail to lift your spirits, turn to God or Allah, and you will find solace and peace that will mend your heart and allow you to pursue a healthy life. Asking Dua to cure your broken heart will help you deal with your sorrow.
Hadith About Mending A Broken Heart
Hadith About Mending A Broken Heart, In the travails of life, you may get unlucky in love more often than not. It is quite reasonable to experience one-sided love, and it seems normal to pursue it. However, in an attempt to form a fruitful relationship.
You can often find that the person at the end of the rope, doesn’t feel the same way about you. No matter how hard you try to convince him or her, it is often the case that they won’t develop deep-rooted feelings for you. It brings a sad ending to a beautiful story, even before it had started.
In such a situation, the only thought coming to your head is lamenting about what could have been. Many awful and dark ideas can come to you in such a state of mind.
It’s quite an undesirable situation and can be very harmful to you without the proper coping mechanism. To help you through such circumstances, we are bringing you a hadith about mending a broken heart. The hadith goes as follows.
“Allah says, ‘Indeed I drive away from my friends from the delights of this world and its opulence and comfort just as the compassionate shepherd drives away his camel from the dangerous grazing lands. And indeed I make them avoid its tranquility and livelihood, just as the compassionate shepherd makes his camel avoid the resting places wherein it would be easy prey. This is not because I consider them to be insignificant, but so they may complete their portion of My kindness in safety and abundance, the delights of the world will not attract him and neither would desires overcome him.”
Recite these verses hard and right, and it will mend whatever air an innocent but broken heart.
Dua To Fix Broken Heart Again
Dua To Fix Broken Heart Again, Heartbreak is one of the most traumatic experiences of life. To make peace with your situation, these five duas or verses from Quaran will fix a broken heart.
- “Indeed, with every hardship is ease.”
This AAyah reminds us to celebrate what we have instead of mourning what we have lost. It tells us to shift our focus on what is right in our life from what is wrong in our lives and be thankful for the countless blessings in our life. The ”ease’ refers to the closeness to Allah when we make our duas and beseech him when we are heartbroken.
2. “No doubt, in the remembrance of Allah’s hearts find comfort.”
This AAyah reminds us to remember Him often. Your soul will be soothed through this dua. Our pain should bring us closer to God because ultimately, it is only Allah who will understand your pain, and he is waiting for you to come back to his fold.
3.”Perhaps you hate something, and it’s good for you, and perhaps you love something, and it’s bad for you. Allah knows while you don’t know.”
This dua is a harsh remedy. Sometimes we are disappointed and heartbroken with something that happens now, but we will understand His wisdom later on when we realize that Allah was protecting us, and we will be happy that this happened. That is why this Ayah ends with the words that Allah knows while we don’t.
4. “Whenever My servants ask about Me. Indeed, I am near. I respond to the call of the supplicant whenever he calls upon Me.”
Anytime during day or night, when we call him from the despair of our heart, Allah is listening. We must have faith, and he will respond.
5. “Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent is the final home.”
These words will comfort you, and this dua will fix your broken heart. However, cloudy your world seems, there will be a silver lining in the cloud because you will soon find paradise and everlasting bliss if you trust in Him.
Dua For Healing Broken Heart
Dua For Healing Broken Heart, When you face rejection, especially from a partner, it causes the most intense heartbreak. Whatever remedy you think of, comfort will elude you. Sometimes the emotions are so severe that it starts telling on your health. Your mind festers with such intense pain that it manifests in ill-health.
When other medicines, tonics, and pills fail, we have to recover from the delusion and accept that there is an alternative way to heal the wound. The Holy Quran suggests a time tested dua to heal the broken heart, the repetition of which will remove the scar over your broken heart.
yaaHuyyuaaQayyoom, bi Rahmatikaastagheeth
Regularly offer prayers without distraction and accept that He is your ultimate savior. He will redeem your bleeding heart. Have complete faith in his power to remove your distress and duress, and your sufferings will disappear.
This dua has to be sincerely adhered to with devotion and dedication to show results. Only then will your heartaches be removed and you will be rewarded with peace. Remember reciting the Dua for broken hearts will relieve you of your uneasiness, discomfort, and disappointments.
This dua will cure your heart of all your pain, and the wound will be healed. He will make you see the beautiful new world ahead of you, and your pain will fade away. This dua will help you to rebuild your emotions and relive your life. You will put your life back on track and enjoy to its fullest.