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Dua to Make Child Obedient
Dua to Make Child Obedient
You work very hard to make your child happy. You try to send your child to good schools. It is your wish to give your child a good education. If your child gets good marks in exams, you become happy. If your children do well in sports, you are happy. Your child is a source of love, happiness and hope for you. When your kid goes out then you keep waiting for him. You do not take food unless you feed your children. If your children get hurt then you get worried about him. Moreover, you pray to Allah all the time for the well being of your child. But if your child does not listen to you then you get upset. You can certainly make your child obedient with the help of dua to make child obedient.
The happiness of your children is the most important thing in your life. You can do anything to make your child happy. Even if you do not have good money you will arrange it to fulfil the desire of your child. You carry a lot of hope with your kid. You dream for a good future of your kid. There is not a single time when you do not think of bringing happiness to the life of your kids. You support your kids in every possible manner so that they can get a position in life. The dreams of your kids become your dreams and you certainly try to fulfil these dreams. It is very important that your child is obedient and you can make your child obedient by dua to make child obedient.
Dua for ziddi child
There are many reasons that can make your child disobedient. It is your duty that you spend good time with your kids. You should listen to every talk from your child. You should never leave your child alone when they need your support. There is a need for giving mental, physical, financial and emotional support to your child. When your child is young his mind is developing at that time. It is a very sensitive time for your child as he starts learning things at this stage. If you give him good teachings and habits he will learn that. But if you do not give him the right teachings then he may certainly learn bad things. Your child is obedient if he listens to what you say. Besides that, you can make him obedient by using dua for ziddi child.
The dua for ziddi child will add good values to your child. The dua for ziddi child will add good behavior to your child. You will not receive complains from teachers after using dua for child behaviour. You will not receive complains from your neighbors after using the dua for ziddi child. Your elders will not complain about your child after using dua to make child obedient. It will become very easy for you to handle your child after using dua for aggressive child. Your child will not involve in conflicts and quarrels after using dua to make child obedient.
Dua for aggressive child
It is very embarrassing for you when the school teacher calls you to complain about the behavior of your child. As a student, your child must be obedient and follow what his teachers say. If your child is not listening to his teachers then he is not an obedient student. Besides that, the school can take action against your child for not being obedient. People around you will call your child a bad and rude boy. This is certainly not easy to accept for you. Every parent wishes for a good name for their child. It is possible to change the behavior of your child with the help of dua to make child obedient.
Dua to Make Child Obedient
Your parents have come to visit you and you ask your child to greet them. But your parents are surprised that your child is not greeting them. This is a sign that your child is not obedient because he does not listen to you. If your child is not greeting the elders, your friends and your neighbors then he is certainly not going in the right direction. It is possible that your child is spending his time in bad company. You should immediately ask him to avoid such a company. Moreover, you can take the help of dua to make child obedient for a solution.
It is very important for you to check how your child spends his time. If he is watching television or playing with mobile all the time then you should stop him. You should make a timetable for your child and ask him to follow the routine. If your child is obedient then he will obey your words. But there is a need to worry if he is not obeying your words. If your child is not obedient then he will certainly waste his life because he has no knowledge about what is right or wrong. You should not allow your child to behave in this way and make him obedient with the use of dua to make child obedient.
Most powerful dua for disobedient child
You should read the following dua to make child obedient for his betterment. Firstly you should take the name of Allah and then recite
SaallaaLLaaHU ‘aalaa Muhammad SaallaaLLaaHUaalaayheWaasaallaam.
It will be better if you follow a strict procedure to perform the most powerful dua for disobedient child.
You can start the dua to make child obedient at any day but it is better to start early for the benefit of your child. You should wear washed clothes and start the most powerful dua for disobedient child with a pure heart. Your intentions of making your child will be strong.
Then you should recite the holy Surah once before reciting the most powerful dua for disobedient child. Make a wish that your child follows the right path. Then you should read the dua to make child obedient with all your emotions.
After reading the dua to make child obedient you should blow the air in a water pot. Then you should sprinkle this water on your child and give some water to him to drink. You should do this procedure for 41 days without fail. You will be happy and surprised to see a positive change in your child after following most powerful dua for disobedient child.